Yoga as a Profession

You do not have to be rich, white, and skinny to be a yogi, and you do not need to be any of these if you are looking to start working independently as an instructor. What you do need however is proper training from other instructors so that you have a solid foundation for your studio/setup. Some programs are dedicated to teaching people about becoming a yoga instructor and are certified and recognized in the country you are in. So, you will have to invest some time and money to get these certifications so that you have the experience and skills to show for your work. If you are looking into places to learn, you can check out the YTT Yoga School as a potential option.

Being a yoga instructor can be incredibly rewarding because you will come in and see your students slowly progress over the weeks, and you will find people who could not even reach anywhere near their toes initially be able to progress onto watching them touch the floor with their hands while their knees remain straight. So, in this regard, your work will be rewarding and the results will be tangible.

It is also important to keep in mind that trying to start a yoga practice does come with struggles and you have to put in the work to make sure that your studio is up and running in optimal condition. It will take time, tears, and hard work. You will have days where you doubt your career choice or you end up personalizing a student’s inability to progress as your failure, but that is not the case. So, being a yoga instructor can be a very rewarding career, but the journey to get there and stay there long enough to sustain yourself will take time.
