The steps involved in selling a house are exactly the same, regardless of whether you choose to sell it yourself or work with a listing agent. This checklist may be used as a basic reference, however different states may have somewhat different requirements for certain particulars. Just make sure that you discuss the specifics of the rules in your state with a local expert such as before moving further.
Pick a Listing Agent to Represent You
A listing agent acts as your representative and is obligated to look out for your best interests as part of their fiduciary duty. Conduct in-person and phone interviews with at least three different agents before making a final choice. When hiring, experience should ideally play a role. Ask questions concerning your listing agreement, such as how long your house will be advertised for sale and how much of a commission you will have to pay the agent in exchange for their services.
Determine the current market value of your property.
Most of the time, an overpriced house is the worst error a seller can make. Maintain a pricing that is comparable to recently sold properties that have been researched and listed in a comparative market analysis report. When setting the price of the house, you should take into account how hot, cold, or even neutral your market currently is.
Prepare Your House to Be Placed on the Market.
You may get your house ready to sell by cleaning it, getting rid of clutter, and increasing the curb appeal. You may want to give some thought to using the services of a professional stager to prepare your house for showings, or you might ask your real estate agent for assistance or suggestions in this endeavor. You can frequently utilize your furnishings.
Market Your Home
You or your real estate agent should determine the features of your house that are most likely to attract buyers and then choose the advertising phrases that best represent those features. You may either give your agent permission to run a marketing campaign or find out how to publicize the sale of your property on your own. Employ a virtual tour provider to shoot high-quality images and, if at all feasible, upload a virtual tour on the internet.